Hi guys!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday so far. Sundays are one of my most favorite days of the week because it’s the day when you rest and prepare for the week ahead. I decided to resume delivering my blog posts on Sundays for a couple of reasons: 1) I’d like to think of my posts as being a nice addition to your Sunday routine. You know, like you settle into your comfy chair in your comfy clothes with that warm mug of coffee/tea/matcha/whatever and catch up with your BFF Air.  2) There aren’t too many blogs that post on Sundays. There’s probably a reason for that, oh well we will see.

This week in NYC it has felt like fall came early and this has left me with mixed feelings. I’m a fall baby and it’s definitely my favorite season, but I also really love summer and am struggling to believe that it’s already nearing an end. I was able to go on vacation this summer and visit my parents and Texas and my sister in San Francisco, which was incredible. While I love Texas, it’s a little too toasty for me, so in these breezy fall-like temperatures I’ve been dreaming of the perfect San Francisco weather. One of my favorite bloggers did a really cute scrapbook post of her summer adventures, and I was inspired to do the same!  So here is my San Francisco scrapbook.

319 Coffee 

The first thing we did after my sister picked me up was go to the 3-19 Coffee Shop pop up. 3-19 is owned and operated by some of our best friends, but what they’re doing is super cool! There’s a huge focus on how coffee brings people together, and also how each coffee bean has its own unique journey and story (just like people!). They utilize coffee and art to connect people in different communities, which I think is just the coolest thing ever; and even cooler than that, they’re forming relationships with the farmers to make sure that what they’re doing is helping and not hurting those that are making the coffee possible. If you’re in the bay area, do yourself a favor and stop by their pop up cafe at The Laundry in the Mission District. If you’re sadly not in the bay area like me, check out their website and do some online ordering! You will be oh so glad that you did.  
hourglasses with colorful sand on top of a coffee machine

319 coffee t-shirt and merchandise blue thermos on top of chalkboard with colorful writing barista in front of coffee menu 319 coffee logo on clothes pins man in front of colorful coffee tins



The Ferry Building (mainly Mariposa Bakery)

My sister is the best ever and took me to this incredible bakery for lunch in the Ferry Building called Mariposa Bakery. Since going gluten free, I’ve really enjoyed finding gluten free bakeries wherever I’m traveling and comparing all the treats. I must say that this Mariposa immediately shot high up on my list after trying their gluten free bread. I unfortunately didn’t capture a picture of the sandwich I ordered because I ate it basically immediately, but this has to be some of the best gluten free bread I’ve ever eaten. I also couldn’t resist ordering a chocolate chunk cookie and a cinnamon roll, both of which were absolutely amazing. I am in love, in love, in love, and will most definitely be back.

Mariposa Bakery sign in the ferry building in San Francisco, CA bakery window spread with cinnamon rolls and butterfly sugar cookies Miscellaneous Tia duties 

The best part of the entire trip hands down was being able to spend time with my niece and new nephew! It’s absolutely insane how quickly time passes and I can’t believe how big they both are already. I’m biased obviously, but I think they’re both already so much cooler than me and being an aunt is probably one of the coolest things I have ever done. Love it!

Let me know what some of your favorite things to do in the Bay are down below in the comments!

What a whirlwind. I’m currently sitting at my gate at the Detroit Airport trying to wrap my mind around the past few days, playing one song on repeat on my iPod to act as a sort of soundtrack to the marathon of memories I’m playing over and over in my head. Funerals are pretty bittersweet; you try to navigate the simultaneous but conflicting emotions of grief and celebration of a loved one leaving behind the constraints of this world, while also enjoying the gift of having all of your family together in one place for the sole purpose of grieving a mutual loss. It results in this foggy, wet, exhausting, constantly shifting state of existence that I haven’t quite shaken yet. I feel like there are few times when someone is prepared for the death of a loved one, so it feels a bit cliché to say that I wasn’t prepared for this weekend; but this particular loss has impacted me and changed me forever.

My auntie was one of the most incredible people I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I always knew this, but I didn’t know the extent to how incredible she truly was until I got the chance to hear about all the things she did and the lives she impacted. A long time ago she was in a major car accident with my dad, another one of my aunts, and two of my cousins. This ultimately resulted in the death of one of those cousins and my aunt becoming paralyzed from the neck down. She was given a life expectancy that she had long surpassed and dedicated her life to helping people manage their disabilities and adjust to daily life and its requirements. A lot of these people came to her funeral and spoke of the things she did and who she was to them and I was just in complete awe. I knew she was very active in her wheelchair basketball league but I had no idea that she created it! I also didn’t know that she was a killer ping-pong player and was on the boards of multiple organizations for disability advocacy working so hard every day to make people feel acknowledged and understood.

So many people spoke about how she inspired them to do something or helped them become better versions of themselves. She had a way of empowering you and making you feel loved that was so special. I’ll never forget how she led me to finally share my musical abilities with my family (that is filled with musical geniuses.. forreal y’all it’s so intimidating) after years of being too scared to do so and having it come full circle with them asking me to play my music and complimenting me at various points throughout our time of gathering this weekend.

As the events of the weekend concluded, I began to see so much of myself in my aunt. Whether it was how much she cared about her appearance (she ALWAYS made sure she looked her best and would always compliment me on my accessories) or her ambition and drive to spark change, spread love, and influence lives. She did so much and helped so many while defying all the odds; and now, more than ever, I am determined to carry on her legacy and do the same.

Love you auntie, you’re forever in my heart


I dont think I could tell you the last time I’ve been to an aquarium. It was this fact, in addition to my niece’s current obsession with “Finding Dory,” that made me jump on the opportunity to go with my family! Initially I was a little wary after hearing we would be going to the new Grapevine Aquarium. Grapevine is great for a lot of reasons; but I wasn’t sure how the aquarium would stack up, especially since it’s a part of the mall. However, I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised!

We moved through all the exhibits fairly quickly (the nature of attending an aquarium with a two year old) but I was impressed with the variety of creatures that we saw! There were so many things I had never seen or heard of before!! I also really appreciated that they shared information about how and what they were breeding in addition to sharing their other rescue and conservation efforts. I think things like aquariums and zoos are beautiful and fun to visit but I often wonder about the quality of life of the animals. These signs let me know that the Grapevine aquarium is doing their part to educate and conserve.

We didn’t stay for any of the shows they were putting on, but the aquarium offered many other ways to interact with the animals. There were many toddler only entrances and viewing points that my niece gladly took advantage of while identifying all the Dory’s and Nemo’s. We also made sure to stop by the special touch pools that give you the opportunity to touch different types of starfish and other sea life!

The aquarium didn’t allow flash photography and an excited 2 year old is very hard to keep up with, but I enjoyed getting a few practice shots in with my new 50mm lens I got for Christmas! I am obsessed, to say the least, and can’t wait to start taking more cool pictures!!

When was the last time you went to the aquarium? Where was it? I feel like I need to spend more time understanding marine life, my name IS Ariel after all.