Hi guys!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday so far. Sundays are one of my most favorite days of the week because it’s the day when you rest and prepare for the week ahead. I decided to resume delivering my blog posts on Sundays for a couple of reasons: 1) I’d like to think of my posts as being a nice addition to your Sunday routine. You know, like you settle into your comfy chair in your comfy clothes with that warm mug of coffee/tea/matcha/whatever and catch up with your BFF Air.  2) There aren’t too many blogs that post on Sundays. There’s probably a reason for that, oh well we will see.

This week in NYC it has felt like fall came early and this has left me with mixed feelings. I’m a fall baby and it’s definitely my favorite season, but I also really love summer and am struggling to believe that it’s already nearing an end. I was able to go on vacation this summer and visit my parents and Texas and my sister in San Francisco, which was incredible. While I love Texas, it’s a little too toasty for me, so in these breezy fall-like temperatures I’ve been dreaming of the perfect San Francisco weather. One of my favorite bloggers did a really cute scrapbook post of her summer adventures, and I was inspired to do the same!  So here is my San Francisco scrapbook.

319 Coffee 

The first thing we did after my sister picked me up was go to the 3-19 Coffee Shop pop up. 3-19 is owned and operated by some of our best friends, but what they’re doing is super cool! There’s a huge focus on how coffee brings people together, and also how each coffee bean has its own unique journey and story (just like people!). They utilize coffee and art to connect people in different communities, which I think is just the coolest thing ever; and even cooler than that, they’re forming relationships with the farmers to make sure that what they’re doing is helping and not hurting those that are making the coffee possible. If you’re in the bay area, do yourself a favor and stop by their pop up cafe at The Laundry in the Mission District. If you’re sadly not in the bay area like me, check out their website and do some online ordering! You will be oh so glad that you did.  
hourglasses with colorful sand on top of a coffee machine

319 coffee t-shirt and merchandise blue thermos on top of chalkboard with colorful writing barista in front of coffee menu 319 coffee logo on clothes pins man in front of colorful coffee tins



The Ferry Building (mainly Mariposa Bakery)

My sister is the best ever and took me to this incredible bakery for lunch in the Ferry Building called Mariposa Bakery. Since going gluten free, I’ve really enjoyed finding gluten free bakeries wherever I’m traveling and comparing all the treats. I must say that this Mariposa immediately shot high up on my list after trying their gluten free bread. I unfortunately didn’t capture a picture of the sandwich I ordered because I ate it basically immediately, but this has to be some of the best gluten free bread I’ve ever eaten. I also couldn’t resist ordering a chocolate chunk cookie and a cinnamon roll, both of which were absolutely amazing. I am in love, in love, in love, and will most definitely be back.

Mariposa Bakery sign in the ferry building in San Francisco, CA bakery window spread with cinnamon rolls and butterfly sugar cookies Miscellaneous Tia duties 

The best part of the entire trip hands down was being able to spend time with my niece and new nephew! It’s absolutely insane how quickly time passes and I can’t believe how big they both are already. I’m biased obviously, but I think they’re both already so much cooler than me and being an aunt is probably one of the coolest things I have ever done. Love it!

Let me know what some of your favorite things to do in the Bay are down below in the comments!

Maya Birthday Collage





Life has been a complete whirl-wind since I graduated at the end of May, so you can imagine how unbelievably excited I was to make a trip out to San Francisco to drink delicious wine (post coming, stay tuned) and celebrate my adorable little niece’s first birthday.  I would get so annoyed when I was little at how often grown-ups talked about how fast time moved (because what did that even mean anyways??) but y’all time is just flying by.  I feel like papaya was just being born, and now here she is walking around with little teeth in her little mouth.




My sister, a party planner extraordinaire, decided to capitalize on the proximity of the Fourth of July to her daughter’s birthday and combine them into one super event, which I have deemed The Fourth of July Themed First  Birthday Extravaganza.  She enlisted the help of CrateAffair, a design company that asks for the theme and occasion of your event and provides you with a complete set of (adorable) decorations.










My sister served the classic BBQ food (hot dogs, fruit, chips, various salads, wings, etc.) that you can pick up at your local grocery store.  My sister had my mom make a special smash cake for Maya that contained healthy ingredients like bananas and greek yogurt that would be safe for her to smash (hence the name) and mush on her face, but also tasted pretty delicious!  The cake that all the adults ate was from a local Bay Area Bakery called Love at First Bite and was supplemented with mini bundts from everyone’s favorite Nothing Bundt Cakes.  Everything was super delicious and we somehow ended up with just about the right amount of food which is always nice!






Of course, in classic one year old style, Papaya cried the entire time people sang “Happy Birthday” to her and refused to eat (or smash!) any cake whatsoever.  BUT.  Overall, the party was a huge success and everyone had a really good time.





Make sure you follow CrateAffair on instagram: @crate_affair

