Different musings and happenings of my life: what I’m loving and eating, where I’m going and exploring, what I’m thinking and feeling.

When I decided to embark on my natural hair journey 3 years ago, I didn’t know what to expect. I was really anxious but excited to begin learning about how to take care of my own hair, something I honestly had never been quite invested in up until that point. My natural hair journey thus far has taught me so much about my hair and myself, and has also introduced me to this new community I never knew existed. This blog was actually started to document my hair journey, and although I’m really happy with the current direction of my blog, I am so upset that I have been neglecting to consistently post about what’s going on with my hair. Now that I’m posting stuff on stuf on stuff (if you have no idea what I’m talking about you should watch this vid I just uploaded.) I have literally NO EXCUSE to not be more consistent with sharing. Also, 11/1 was my big chop anniversary! Woo hoo! Hooray! Cue the loud obnoxious DJ airhorn sound effect! Reflecting on my journey for the past three years, I’ve seen a lot of growth and also a lot of breakage (*cries*) but I actually really love my length at the moment and I feel like the tapered look has sort of become my signature style…but you guysss…The Texas girl in me wants hair that is as big as possible, so I’m still on a mission to attain that. I recently went to the Miss Jessie’s Salon in Soho (#treatyoself) and I will be doing a separate post on that and my experience, but I got my ends trimmed and bought some new products and I am excited to see what happens! I recently made a commitment to myself to actually learn how to do some protective styles that don’t involve wigs or weave or crochet so I can bond with my hair and understand it better. Y’all pray for me because I don’t know how this will go, but I’m feeling some similar excitement that I felt when I first went natural. It just seems like another phase or layer within the process that will teach me new ways to love myself and I am ALWAYS down for that. SO. Since I haven’t posted update pictures since 4 months after my big chop a.k.a. an eternity ago, here are some new updated pictures below so you can see where I’m at. You should also take a peek at my hair story here, and I’m pretty sure you can see me fresh after my big chop! So much progress since then wow! Without further ado…




If anyone reading this has some good progress pictures, please share them below!! I would so love to see them and talk about your hair journey!


10/9: South Beach sandwich from Point Break. So I ordered really late again and my choices are limited as I mentioned and basically everyone was doing sandwiches this week so I picked this one because it was supposed to have two meats plus cheese so I was like okay! I’ll just eat the insides no biggie. THIS SANDWICH WAS SO SAD AND SMALL. You’d definitely be getting full off of the bread. The insides tasted great but I was just expecting a little more. Especially since regular menu has it for $14. Yikes.

10/10: sautéed eggplant with chicken from red moon. Guysssss I think this might be my fave place. Everything is so freaking delicious!! Again, I wasn’t thrilled about ordering this but it’s so good! I had to wait a really long time after I got there but I think they were making it fresh. The flavors are incredible. I don’t really like eggplant and I like this!! Again I don’t know where this is on the menu but guessing it’s in the 9.50 range

10/11: pulled pork sliders from point break. So the whole thing with getting sliders from here is I can’t eat the delicious looking bun and that’s such a big part of the meal. The pulled pork was pretty good though!! Not really very big portions but what can you expect from sliders. I’m gonna get fat from eating all of these fries (can’t say I hate eating em though) and as you probably could’ve guessed I wouldn’t order this again if I was just out. Ridiculously overpriced for too little food.

10/12: chicken teriyaki from red moon. Geeeezzz so.. oops. Y’all see this was from Red Moon so you already know it was freaking amazing. So amazing that I literally scarfed it up before getting a picture. My B. I would definitely order this again. If you haven’t figured it out already, just.. go to Red Moon. Just do it.

10/13: my birthday lunch!!! Chicken curry fried rice. So this was very interesting. Again, a little reluctant to pick this because I don’t like curry and it’s bad for my reflux but I was like it’s fried rice how bad could it be?? Y’all I opened it and there were raisins and pieces of fruit inside?? I was so confused and a little upset but I’ve learned by now to #trustinredmoon and believe that they’re making the best decisions for the dish. I took a bite and of course, it was delicious, buuuut I decided to eat around the raisins anyways. I wouldn’t get this again only because of the reflux issue but it was very good!!

Alright guys, sadly this will be my last MealPal with Air post. I’m currently in the midst of my final week with MealPal and all the meals I’ve eaten are repeats, so no use sharing. I hope you’ve enjoyed this and learned a little bit about what MealPal can offer you! It’s a great service if you have time to go out for lunch!! I do highly recommend it. On to my next food adventure!


Hey guys! So it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but I actually love them so they will be added back to my blog post rotation. On this episode of Pinterest Win or Fail, we will be tackling a Toll House Chocolate Chip Pie from a wonderful blog called A Family Feast. It was my birthday this past week, and I wanted to make something delicious but a little bit different for myself. I stumbled upon some gluten-free pie shells which I thought was pretty cool, so I started looking through my Sweet Tooth board on Pinterest. I honestly don’t really like pie, but this chocolate chip pie looked like a cookie-pie hybrid which I was really excited about! After scrolling through the ingredients list and seeing how few things I needed,  I was sold. This pie was super easy and quick to make (outside of the 40-50 minute baking time) requiring minimal clean up effort, which is always a huge plus.  I made this recipe gluten-free by using Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour  which has become my go-to baking flour, and opted to use semi-sweet and white chocolate chips instead of walnuts. I tasted some of the batter and was shocked at how sweet it was which made me a tiny bit nervous for how this would turn out.

HOWEVER, it turned out perfectly and I can proudly and confidently say this was most definitely a win! I can’t believe I’ve been around for a quarter of a century. Time has really been flying and it’s been such a blessing to be able to take the time to be introspective and appreciative for another year of life with the people I love. I’m still working on making an update video, but I’ve been trying to work more on music and wrote this short little song and dedicated it to my 13-year-old self for my birthday. Check it out!


Until next time!

P.S. This post does contain an affiliate link, so know that if you use it I will make some moolah but I’m only sharing it because I think it’s amazing!!